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Kamis, 05 April 2012

How to Instal any Microsoft Windows with USB

      In this post, I will teach you how to install any windows with USB. At the fist time you must know whats is the kinds of Operating Systems who would be installed to your computer and how much the memmory needs.
      If you want to install microsoft windows xp, you can follow this steps :
      1. Preapare your USB (flashdisk or memmory stick)
      2. Preapare the Operating System who will install to your computer.
          * Usually this Operating System (Microsoft Windows Xp) Just needs memmory not more than 1 GB.
      3. Format your USB with file system NTFS.
          - To format USB with file system NTFS
             follow this steps :
             a. Click at "Start" button, then Click right
                 on the "My Computer".
             b. Select "Manage"
             c. Click "Device Manager" (you can see
                 those picture)
             d. Than click on the "+"" symbol in the
                 left disk drive.
             e. Click right the Removable Device
             f.  Select Properties.
             g. Select Tab Policies, than you select
                 the second selection (Optimize for
             h. Click ok.
              i. Then you go to My Computer (Winkey
                 + E)
             j.  Click right at the USB, than format it
                 with system file NTFS. Click Format.
      4. Copy Microsoft Windows Xp to the USB.
         (Without folder cover. The contents likes files on the CD)
      5. Try it !
         * You must change the boot devices at first time.

      If you want to install Microsoft Windows Seven, you must prepare USB Flashdisk or Memmory Stick who had memmory 4 GB. Than follow those instructions above.

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